Dress: Zara (old). Mules: Cult Gaia (old). Bag: Amazon
I was never a fan of orange but bay-bee, this dress is everything. I'm pretty sure it's meant to be a cove-up but in my eyes, anything can be a dress just by jazzing it up. This dress was literally so baggy when I put it on but I gave the illusion off a cinched waist by adding a belt to it. Well-thought out accessories can go a long way: cue this bag from target and my Cult Gaia mules.

And even more, this dress could definitely transition from a summer to fall--something I am looking forward to. I'm so tired of the heat, I'm ready to layer up. I bet I'm going to regret this statement once the winter cold comes along but oh well haha.

And like I always tell my clients, you can never have enough dresses in your closet!